** Jacob's Journey Incorporated is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization**

Jacob’s Journey Inc., Mission is to engage with the community, legal system, law enforcement, and multiple organizations in a focus on ending Domestic Terrorism in a productive and sociably beneficial manner focused on the Victim and children’s needs, and promoting in-depth responsibility of the perpetrator, as to the terrorism utilizing quality resources in a non-judgmental manner with compassion and scholarly insights.
If you are using literature primarily written in the United States or in many European countries as your reference point, then Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) would be term that fits best. It is the pattern of increasing violence used to create or maintain control over an intimate partner where the relationship is a current or former dating, co-habitating, or marital partner. This will be the term overwhelmingly used in psychological research for the last decade or more. Spousal Violence is a term that could be culture specific, you will not see it in western psychological research, is only referring to a married couple, and may incorporate common couple violence, which includes how couples argue and resolve conflicts. Being that it only incorporates married couples, it leaves out this same pattern of behavior that occurs in a very large percentage of the population, depending on dating, marital, divorce rates in the region. Domestic Violence is a term that was used to mean IPV several decades ago but is now recognized to be a term more broadly applicable to violence in the home regardless of the relationship between the individuals (i.e., siblings, elders, children, roommates) and does not refer to the pattern of controlling behaviors of true IPV. However, criminal justice research in the west does still occasionally use this term to refer to IPV.
(source www.researchgate.net, Rodina Scott)
INTIMATE TERRORISM is the use of physical abuse plus a broad range of tactics designed to get and keep control over the other person in the relationship. In many cases this is long term with the breaking down of the other person, financially, physically, psychologically, emotionally, legally, and socialbly. Often all at once.
Intimate terrorists utilize several forms of abuse to gain power:
EMOTIONAL ABUSE includes name-calling, put downs, public humiliation, mind games, threats, setting rules and changing them at will, and threats to harm friends, family members and pets.
SEXUAL ABUSE includes forced sex, rape, demands to perform sexual acts against one’s will, treating a partner like a “sex object,” etc.
PHYSICAL ABUSE includes hitting, punching, kicking, slapping, shoving, hair-pulling, restraining, biting, using weapons, using household objects as weapons, strangling, etc.
COERCIVE CONTROL includes isolation, making rules for everyday activities, forcing someone to do things they have a right to refuse or preventing someone to do things they have a right to do such as sleeping, bathing, changing clothes or taking medicine.
FINANCE CONTROL Many use control over finances i.e. refusing to allow the partner to work, taking control of bank accounts, with holding cars, lease arrangements, education, controlling utilities, are a few]
RELATIONSHIPS includes creating havoc with immediate family and friends to isolate, creating distance between children and victim emotionally and physically.
Physical abuse will generally escalate in severity and frequency until the abuser believes that he has control over his victim. Then the physical abuse will often taper off or even stop; however coercive control and emotional abuse typically remain constant. Even at times when the victim is not being physically abused, she may still be in danger if the abuser perceives that he is losing control over her. The absence of physical injury does NOT mean that the victim is safe!
(source www.project-safe.org & Jacob's Journey Inc.)
A type of psychological abuse aimed at making victims seem or feel “crazy,” creating a “surreal” interpersonal environment. Gaslighting is an increasingly ubiquitous term used to describe the mind-manipulating strategies of abusive people, in both politics and interpersonal relationships. I.E. An abuser tells the courts, law enforcement and the victim, he is innocent because the victim did or did not do an outcome expected, or the victim is mentally ill and subject to false claims. Recent survey data suggest that gaslighting is common in domestic violence situations, preventing women from accessing resources (Warshaw et al. 2014)
Flying monkeys is a term used in popular psychology, mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse, to describe people who act on behalf of a narcissist towards a third party, usually for an abusive purpose. The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath, for a similar purpose. Wikipedia
Not very. Intimate terrorism is a complex multifaceted expansion of Domestic Abuse. As more abusers attempt to avoid jail, they utilize every possible means against the victim in order to obtain control over another human being. This often is not limited to an intimate partner but extends to offspring, family and friends. They typically, if separated from the victim, will be relentless in pursuit, Or, they will search for another victim and duplicate the original terror tactics. They are experts at fooling law enforcement, the legal system, agencies, and the public.
